Nov 17, 2006, 8:04 AM

Ο χρήστης gavriil1 έγραψε:
The World Driving Report 2006 has just been published in London, and revealed 58 percent of people ranked the USA as their top destination for ease of car use. Australia was second with 53 percent, followed by Ireland by on 49 percent. The data has been compiled by vehicle rental firm and also highlighted America as one of the vacation destinations felt to have the safest roads. It took third spot behind Australia and Switzerland in that category. Almost 2000 drivers were polled for their opinions in the study. British motorists believe South Africa is the scariest place to get behind the wheel, while Holland got voted worst for congestion. -Richard Yarrow

Επειδή πρόσφατα οδήγησα 1500 χιλιόμετρα σε όλη την Ιρλανδία, μπορώ να πω με κάθε ειλικρίνεια πως οι Ιρλανδικοί δρόμοι είναι χειρότεροι από τους Ελληνικούς

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