και βέβαια το πήρα επειδή ήταν οικονομικό, σιγά μην έδινα παραπάνω χρήματα για κάτι χειρότερο. το έψαξα τρελλά, και προς απόδειξη παραθέτω τεστ του auto bild, μεταφρασμένο με συστρανσ... τώρα αν μου πείτε ότι οι γερμανοί θέλανε να προωθήσουν γαλλικό μοντέλο τι να πω. όπως μπορείτε να δείτε, στη γερμανία είναι 370ευρώ πιο ακριβό από το γκολφ. Και φυσικά δεν είναι αυτό το μόνο τεστ που κοίταξα... έχω 62 σελίδες με τεστ κατεβασμένα από το ιντερνετ!
Then the Wolfsburger price strategy gives me the remainder. With 34.570 Marks the gulf 1,6 trend LINE costs slightly less than Civic 1.6i LS (34,900 Marks) and 307 Premium 110 (35,009 Marks), but its comfort equipment precipitates more than poorly in addition. Which shows us that favorable Volkswagens do not have to be called necessarily VOLKSWAGEN - it remains evenly nevertheless not everything, as it (at beetle times) was times.
Price/equipment Honda Peugeot VOLKSWAGEN
Model Civic 1.6i LS 307 Premium 110 Gulf 1,6 trend LINE
Airbags driver/front seat passenger/side v. S/S/S S/S/S S/S/S
Kopfairbags in front/in the back N/N S/S 802 Marks
Air conditioning system/mechanism S/N S/587 Mark 2.171/2.826 Mark
Window lifter electrical, in front/in the back S/S S/S 1,633 Marks
Radio S S starting from 626 Marks
Automatic transmission 2300 Marks N N
electrical sun roof N 1,467 Marks 1,516 Marks
electrical a park assistance in the back N N 636 Marks
Metalliclack 700 Marks 685 Marks 714 Marks
Rain sensor N 685 Marks 248 Marks
Basic price in Marks /euro 34.900 /17.844 35.009 /17.900 34.570 /17.675
Prices in Mark, S = in series, N = not available
Operating cost Honda Peugeot VOLKSWAGEN
Exhaust standard/tax exemption Euro 4/45 months Euro 4/45 months Euro 4/45 months
Tax per year effectively 160 Marks 160 Marks 160 Marks
Type classes HPF/VK/TK 16/15/28 18/12/26 13/14/19
Workshop intervals 20000 km 30000 km 30000 km
Costs oil change/inspection costs 260/960 Mark 200/500 Mark 200/650 Mark
Technology 3 Jahre/100 000 km 1 year/without delimitation 1 year/without delimitation
Durchrostung 6 years 12 years 12 years
Mobility none 1 year for an unlimited period
Result the gulf can drive also to this comparison of raised sheet metal roof from the place - it must be able to be broken in in the future however more, in order not to come under the wheels. In this case steals from him roomy, harmonious and inexpensive 307 the Show and the victory. Whereby the gulf particularly under the sad engine, which suffers close back area and the moderate equipment. An alternative places the amazingly sporty Civic with beherztem engine and much place. However the fine tuning at chassis, seating position and material seeming is missing to it.
Place 1: Place 2: Place 3:
Peugeot 307,1.6 VOLKSWAGEN gulf 1.6 Honda Civic 1.6i
- generous space conditions + comfortable suspension + spritziger engine
- agiles, safe handling + noble quality impression + favorable consumption
- good price performance ratio + outstanding seats + sumptuous legroom in the back
- harmonious engine + good handling + three years warranty
- bad overview forward - lean equipment - to taut suspension
- high consumption - closest rear - no ESP available
- partly hakelige circuit - tired, unkultivierter engine - feelingless steering element
- load overtaxed suspension - high consumption - seating position not optimally
283 points = note 2 272 points = note 2 256 points = note 3+
The Peugeot triumphs with eleven points projection/lead by larger available space and the better engine gulf. Who wants to set other accents, simply the appropriate column counts raus and comes to the own result.
maximum score Honda Peugeot VOLKSWAGEN
Body/interior 90 58 63 59
Available space in front 15 11 14 12
Available space in the back 15 15 15 11
Trunk 15 8 7 6
Variability 15 8 8 7
Additional load/trailer weight 15 6 8 10
Quality/processing 15 10 11 13
Chassis/security 90 53 67 67
Alternate behavior 15 11 14 13
Controllableness 15 11 14 14
Braking distance 15 8 10 10
Safety equipment 15 4 9 8
Operability 15 12 14 14
View/turning circle 15 7 6 8
Driving joy/drive 45 35 33 31
Engine characteristics 15 13 12 8
Transmission/circuit 15 13 8 12
Handling/steering element 15 9 13 11
Road performances 45 21 22 21
Acceleration 15 10 10 9
Elasticity 15 6 6 5
Maximum speed 15 5 6 7
Comfort 75 42 50 51
Suspension/absorption 15 11 12 13
Seat/seating position 15 10 13 14
Noises 15 6 7 7
Comfort equipment 15 5 8 7
Air conditioning 15 10 10 10
Costs 75 47 48 43
Basic price 15 8 8 8
Price AUTO picture version 15 12 15 7
Consumption/range 15 8 6 6
Maintenance costs 15 11 13 14
Warranty 15 8 6 8
Entirely 420 256 283 272