Αλήθεια ρε συ, διαβάζεις τι ποστάρεις; Να σου βάλω λίγα αποσπάσματα;
The majority of streets within an area are local streets where people live or work, shop or enjoy themselves...
...Car traffic should be minimised as much as possible by avoiding rat-runs that create through-routes for cars, lorries and other motorised traffic. By contrast, permeability for cycling and walking must be maintained.
There are a variety of design solutions that should be employed to civilise these streets and thereby make them highly attractive to potential residents.
Low speeds
Speeds should be kept low through design. A key way to achieve this is to avoid excessive forward visibility, i.e. not making the roads too straight. As a result, these areas should not require any specific cycle infrastructure. If speed humps are required, they should be of the sinusoidal type and should always include a cycle bypass to the side.
Car parking
Parking of cars should be discouraged from local streets; instead, parking areas within the curtilage of the property or within a nearby neighbourhood parking area enhances the general street environment.
Where on-street parking is provided in new developments, it should only be allowed in designated parking bays. These bays should not detract from the ability to cycle safely, e.g. requiring people to swerve around parked vehicles. One way to achieve this is to intersperse parking bays with trees.
Home zones
Home zones are residential streets that give priority to people over vehicles. Best practice for local streets with no through motor traffic is for a single level surface with minimal traffic signs and lines.
Point-closures and cut-throughs
An excellent way to restrict through traffic, while automatically promoting walking and cycling, is a simple point-closure. These are cheap and simple to create.
Where bollards are used, only use an odd number of simple bollards spaced about 1.8 metres apart, arranged to separate opposing flows, not to obstruct them or force them into conflict. Never use gates, chicanes, or similar pinch points as these exclude many legitimate users, such as people with disabilities. The risk of motorbikes using these routes is not great enough to restrict free movement of larger bicycles or pushchairs and wheelchairs. Parked cars must not block the movement of people through the bollards.
One-way streets
If one-way streets are used, cycles must always be exempted by provision of a contraflow. Such permeability is achieved by using a 'No entry except cycles' sign.
Cycle streets
Some local streets can have all motorised traffic removed, leaving just a wide footpath and a 5-metre wide central two-way cycle track. These are most appropriate in shopping areas and along routes to schools, railway or bus stations.
Όχι απλά δεν γράφει ότι τα ποδήλατα είναι το πρόβλημα, αλλά λέει ότι ο τρόπος να κάνουμε τις κατοικημένες περιοχές ανθρώπινες είναι να δυσκολέψουμε τς αυτοκίνητα και να διευκολύνουμε τα ποδήλατα. Όπου είναι μονόδρομος να επιτρέπεται η κίνηση των ποδηλάτων και προς τις δυο κατευθύνσεις, να μπλοκάρονται στενά απο το ένα τους άκρο ώστε να μην τα χρησιμοποιούν παρά μόνο οι μόνιμοι κάτοικοι και τα ποδήλατα.
Πουθενά σε αυτά που παρέθεσες δεν αναφέρει ότι τα ποδήλατα δημιουργούν πρόβλημα στην κίνηση. Οπουδήποτε υπάρχει θέμα ασφαλούς συμβίωσης μηχανοκίνητων και ποδηλάτων (ή πεζών), προτείνεται ο εξοβελισμός των μηχανοκινητων, όχι το αντίθετο.