Race Date: 24 Oct 2010 Circuit Name: Korea International Circuit Number of Laps: 55 Circuit Length: 5.621 km Race Distance: 309.155 km Lap Record: -
time table local time (gre)
Fri 22 October 2010 Practice 1 04:00 - 05:30 Practice 2 08:00 - 09:30 Sat 23 October 2010 Practice 3 05:00 - 06:00 Qualifying 08:00 Sun 24 October 2010 Race 09:00
Ενα τεραστιο ? το συγκεκριμενο 3μερο!!!!! Σε μια πιστα που μολις ολοκληρωθηκε...Σημαντικος παραγοντας θα ειναι η χαμηλη προσφυση....
The recently-laid track surface in Korea is going to help turn the country's inaugural Formula 1 race into a spectacular event for fans, reckons circuit architect Hermann Tilke.
Although the new asphalt has prompted concerns from drivers and onlookers that it could produce problems over the weekend, Tilke actually thinks that it will be a benefit for F1 fans in helping improve the show because it will be so slippery.
Speaking to AUTOSPORT at the new Korean circuit as the finishing touches were being put to the track, Tilke said that the evolution of the surface would be even more 'extreme' than Monaco - and that could help deliver an exciting race.
'The only problem it [the new surface] will cause – and to me that is not actually a problem – is in terms of grip,' explained Tilke. 'A lack of grip should not be a problem because we have the best drivers in the world here. Plus, it will be the same conditions for everybody. There will not a problem that the track will break-up.
'I think on Friday the track surface will be very, very slippery because it is brand new. That means you will probably see some spinning. And, it will not be easy to find the set-up for Saturday and Sunday because the track will change a lot.
'That means some drivers will make the wrong set-up choice, because you are going to have to second guess what is the right way to go.'
Tilke has admitted that the Korean project was one of the toughest of his life, and even he said there were times when he doubted that it would be finished on time.
'I was not always convinced [it would happen], but you have to analyse the problems and then have to do something about them,' said Tilke. 'It was not only our effort, we helped of course, but the construction company and everyone here were working hard.
'The delays started at the very beginning, because it is swampy land here and we had to drain it before. It needed a long time for the water to come out – something in excess of one year. Then the land had to be compacted, so it needed more and more time. And, of course, the monsoon season was longer than expected. There were lots of things like that.'
Despite the late finishing of the venue, Tilke reckoned there would be no major problems with the infrastructure over the weekend.
'The main systems will work fine, but maybe here and there, there might be some small things that are not working. And because the track is not tested, as it got ready very late, there will probably be a few surprises as well. But all the main things will be okay.'
Καλο αγωνα να χουμε!!!Λετε να γινει ..της Κορεας??
Race Date: 24 Oct 2010 Circuit Name: Korea International Circuit Number of Laps: 55 Circuit Length: 5.621 km Race Distance: 309.155 km Lap Record: -
time table local time (gre)
Fri 22 October 2010 Practice 1 04:00 - 05:30 Practice 2 08:00 - 09:30 Sat 23 October 2010 Practice 3 05:00 - 06:00 Qualifying 08:00 Sun 24 October 2010 Race 09:00
Ενα τεραστιο ? το συγκεκριμενο 3μερο!!!!! Σε μια πιστα που μολις ολοκληρωθηκε...Σημαντικος παραγοντας θα ειναι η χαμηλη προσφυση....
The recently-laid track surface in Korea is going to help turn the country's inaugural Formula 1 race into a spectacular event for fans, reckons circuit architect Hermann Tilke.
Although the new asphalt has prompted concerns from drivers and onlookers that it could produce problems over the weekend, Tilke actually thinks that it will be a benefit for F1 fans in helping improve the show because it will be so slippery.
Speaking to AUTOSPORT at the new Korean circuit as the finishing touches were being put to the track, Tilke said that the evolution of the surface would be even more 'extreme' than Monaco - and that could help deliver an exciting race.
'The only problem it [the new surface] will cause – and to me that is not actually a problem – is in terms of grip,' explained Tilke. 'A lack of grip should not be a problem because we have the best drivers in the world here. Plus, it will be the same conditions for everybody. There will not a problem that the track will break-up.
'I think on Friday the track surface will be very, very slippery because it is brand new. That means you will probably see some spinning. And, it will not be easy to find the set-up for Saturday and Sunday because the track will change a lot.
'That means some drivers will make the wrong set-up choice, because you are going to have to second guess what is the right way to go.'
Tilke has admitted that the Korean project was one of the toughest of his life, and even he said there were times when he doubted that it would be finished on time.
'I was not always convinced [it would happen], but you have to analyse the problems and then have to do something about them,' said Tilke. 'It was not only our effort, we helped of course, but the construction company and everyone here were working hard.
'The delays started at the very beginning, because it is swampy land here and we had to drain it before. It needed a long time for the water to come out – something in excess of one year. Then the land had to be compacted, so it needed more and more time. And, of course, the monsoon season was longer than expected. There were lots of things like that.'
Despite the late finishing of the venue, Tilke reckoned there would be no major problems with the infrastructure over the weekend.
'The main systems will work fine, but maybe here and there, there might be some small things that are not working. And because the track is not tested, as it got ready very late, there will probably be a few surprises as well. But all the main things will be okay.'
Καλο αγωνα να χουμε!!!Λετε να γινει ..της Κορεας??
Race Date: 24 Oct 2010 Circuit Name: Korea International Circuit Number of Laps: 55 Circuit Length: 5.621 km Race Distance: 309.155 km Lap Record: -
time table local time (gre)
Fri 22 October 2010 Practice 1 04:00 - 05:30 Practice 2 08:00 - 09:30 Sat 23 October 2010 Practice 3 05:00 - 06:00 Qualifying 08:00 Sun 24 October 2010 Race 09:00
Ενα τεραστιο ? το συγκεκριμενο 3μερο!!!!! Σε μια πιστα που μολις ολοκληρωθηκε...Σημαντικος παραγοντας θα ειναι η χαμηλη προσφυση....
The recently-laid track surface in Korea is going to help turn the country's inaugural Formula 1 race into a spectacular event for fans, reckons circuit architect Hermann Tilke.
Although the new asphalt has prompted concerns from drivers and onlookers that it could produce problems over the weekend, Tilke actually thinks that it will be a benefit for F1 fans in helping improve the show because it will be so slippery.
Speaking to AUTOSPORT at the new Korean circuit as the finishing touches were being put to the track, Tilke said that the evolution of the surface would be even more 'extreme' than Monaco - and that could help deliver an exciting race.
'The only problem it [the new surface] will cause – and to me that is not actually a problem – is in terms of grip,' explained Tilke. 'A lack of grip should not be a problem because we have the best drivers in the world here. Plus, it will be the same conditions for everybody. There will not a problem that the track will break-up.
'I think on Friday the track surface will be very, very slippery because it is brand new. That means you will probably see some spinning. And, it will not be easy to find the set-up for Saturday and Sunday because the track will change a lot.
'That means some drivers will make the wrong set-up choice, because you are going to have to second guess what is the right way to go.'
Tilke has admitted that the Korean project was one of the toughest of his life, and even he said there were times when he doubted that it would be finished on time.
'I was not always convinced [it would happen], but you have to analyse the problems and then have to do something about them,' said Tilke. 'It was not only our effort, we helped of course, but the construction company and everyone here were working hard.
'The delays started at the very beginning, because it is swampy land here and we had to drain it before. It needed a long time for the water to come out – something in excess of one year. Then the land had to be compacted, so it needed more and more time. And, of course, the monsoon season was longer than expected. There were lots of things like that.'
Despite the late finishing of the venue, Tilke reckoned there would be no major problems with the infrastructure over the weekend.
'The main systems will work fine, but maybe here and there, there might be some small things that are not working. And because the track is not tested, as it got ready very late, there will probably be a few surprises as well. But all the main things will be okay.'
Καλο αγωνα να χουμε!!!Λετε να γινει ..της Κορεας??
Σκέφτομαι το ενδεχόμενο ο Λούης να κόψει σε κάποιο γύρο από το σημείο 3 στο 12, να φάει ποινή διέλευσης και τελικά να κερδίσει με διαφορά. Μετά θα επικαλεστεί στιγμιαία ζάλη και απώλεια μνήμης.
Στα χαρτιά φαίνεται πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα. Η 7 άραγε να περνιέται flat; -
Έχοντας παρακολουθήσει αγώνα σε ΟΛΟΚΑΙΝΟΥΡΙΑ άσφαλτο, ένα σας λέω: το 'γλιστερή' είναι understatement.
O Alan Permane μιλάει για την πίστα της Κορέας
Η προσθήκη μιας νέας πίστας στο πρωτάθλημα της Formula 1 είναι πάντα συναρπαστική - το ίδιο λοιπόν ισχύει και για την πίστα της Κορέας στην Yeongam, όπου οι ομάδες πάνε σχεδόν στα τυφλά. Είναι μια αριστερόστροφη πίστα η οποία συμπεριλαμβάνει μεγάλες ευθείες που ακολουθούνται από αργές στροφές αλλά και μεσαίας ταχύτητας αλλεπάλληλες στροφές. Ποιες μπορεί να είναι οι προκλήσεις λοιπόν που θα αντιμετωπίσουν οι ομάδες στην προσπάθειά τους να στήσουν όσο το δυνατόν καλύτερα τα μονοθέσιά τους;
http://renaultnewsgr.blogspot.com/2010/10/o-alan-permane.html -
Ελπίζω μόνο να έχουν κάνει καλή ασφαλτόστρωση...μη δούμε σκηνικά Μόντρεαλ...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewKY4V6c ... re=channel
Ε αν και εδώ δε γίνει καλός αγώνας... Τι να πω, δε θα γίνει ποτέ και πουθενά.
Ο χρήστης ausfahrt έγραψε:
Youtube VideoΕ αν και εδώ δε γίνει καλός αγώνας... Τι να πω, δε θα γίνει ποτέ και πουθενά.
Πολύ τζατζάρισμα τα Red Bull
Feels like Turkey
1ος γύρος και στροφές 1,3,4!!!
H έξοδος της 2 , κρίνει και την προσπέραση στα φρένα στην 3.
Κατά τ'άλλα μάλλον σπαζοκεφαλιά για το setup καθώς η μισή πίστα είναι διαδοχικές καμπές-στροφές, όπου το υψηλό downforce θα δίνει χρόνους...Είδωμεν.
Υπό αυτές τις συνθήκες θα έχει ενδιαφέρον ποιος οδηγός θα προσαρμοστεί πιο γρήγορα και το κυριότερο εδώ θα φανούν οι διαφορές μεταξύ team-mates γιατί όπως και να το κάνουμε σε μία πίστα άγνωστη για όλους, όλα τελικά εξαρτώνται από τον οδηγό και την ικανότητα να επικοινωνεί σωστά με τους μηχανικούς του.
Πάντως με τα μέχρι στιγμής δεδομένα και λαμβάνοντας υπόψη και την πιθανότητα βροχής σε μία νέα πίστα θα έχει ..... πολύ ενδιαφέρον ο αγώνας.
Αυτες οι φωτο τραβηχτηκαν 3 αγωνες πριν το τελος της εκαστοτε χρονιας..Και δω νομιζω σταματανε οι συγκρισεις..
Α ρε Αυρτον
o Vettel παντως δεν αγκαλιαζει τον Μπατον...
Είμαστε κομπλέ τώρα... -
Αυτή τη στιγμή στο FP1 η κατάσταση είναι τραγική. Η πίστα είναι τόσο βρώμικη που δεν εξαντλούν ούτε το όριο των στροφών τα μονοθέσια. Ακόμα και το SC έχασε τα φρένα στην στροφή 1 νομίζω κι έφυγε στο χώρο διαφυγής!
Ο χρήστης Geo f1 έγραψε:
.Και δω νομιζω σταματανε οι συγκρισεις..Η διαφορά είναι πως κάποια πράγματα καλώς ή κακώς θεοποιούνται με το πέρασμα του χρόνου. Η διαφορά επί της ουσίας του Mansell από τον Button είναι πως τον πρώτο τον βλέπαμε όταν ήμασταν πχ 8 χρονών(ε) ενώ τον άλλο όταν είμαστε 30.
Ωραια φαινεται η πιστα! Μ αρεσει. Εννοειται βεβαια οτι ειναι πολυ νωρις για συμπερασματα...
Τρομακτικές διαφορές στους χρόνους μεταξύ των κορυφαίων ομάδων. Ο LH έκανε ένα καλό χρόνο αλλά αν δεν δούμε το 2ο practice δεν είναι δυνατό να βγάλουμε συμπεράσματα.
Βλέπω τα FP2 στο BBC, πετάει ο Αλόνσο. Για να δούμε αν θα συνεχίσει.
Ωραία πιστούλα...η άσφαλτος δε φαίνεται ότι θα αντέξει σε κάποια σημεία...θα δούμε.
Τα σπάει η στροφή πριν την εκκίνηση...περνάνε πολύ γρήγορα από εκεί.
Korean Grand Prix 2010