Ο χρήστης Κάβουρας έγραψε:
Απλά πρέπει ο καθένας να καταλάβει ότι όπως μετατροπή είναι το να βάλεις εξάτμιση και πρόγραμμα και δεν ξέρω κι εγώ τι άλλο πάνω στο αμάξι σου (και χάνεις την εγγύηση φυσικά), άλλο τόσο (και μεγαλύτερη κατά τη γνώμη μου) μετατροπή είναι η αλλαγή της καύσιμης ύλης από βενζίνη σε υγραέριο.
Όσοι έχουν κάνει και τα δύο, άραγε χάνουν και την εγγύηση που δίνει αυτός που πουλά το 'πρόγραμμα';
Βρε δεν μασάμε, λέμε...
Κι αν είχαμε και λίγο χρόνο ακόμη, ή diesel κινητήρα, μπορεί να το κάναμε και 'υβριδικό'...
Και μια και μίλησες για βιομάζα πιο πάνω και άλλα ωραία σχετικά με την Ε.Ε., μάθε οτι έρχεται το bio-LPG:
'European Commission: LPG dominant fuel in 2020'
The European Expert Group established by the European Commission and engaged with the future of fuels for transport, states that in 2020 the share of LPG autogas in the total fuel mix in Europe should rise to 10%. Currently, the share of LPG is only 3%.
The European Expert Group which was established in March 2010, adopted January 25 this year issued a report stating, 'automotive LPG is currently the most viable alternative fuel in Europe, supported by an extensive European network of more than 27,000 outlets. The existing LPG infrastructure make direct investments without significant environmental benefits and that the LPG fuel is most appropriate to serve as a transition fuel until such time as more economically viable renewable energy solutions within the transportation sector.
The report looks forward and suggests that in future bio-LPG will be available. LPG is already making a CO2 savings of around 9%. The use of bio-LPG will further reduce emissions. Looking at the growing energy needs of Europe are considering is supplied by the bio-availability of LPG is also a contribution to securing Europe's energy supplies in the longer term.
Reducing CO2 emissions in the transportation is a priority. The report explicitly stated: 'Alternative fuels such as LPG will gradually become an increasingly important role in the overall energy mix.'
Alain De Greve, Managing Director of the European LPG Association (AEGPL) responded, 'We endorse the conclusions of the European Expert Group. The AEGPL and its members will constantly continue to work with policymakers at European, national and local level to the (environmental) potential of LPG to fully exploit the benefit of the community. '
Contradictory policies, Netherlands
The political debate is currently held in the Netherlands regarding the implementation of the EC Directive on fuel quality and clean and energy efficient vehicles is not in line with the ambitions of the European Commission. Unfairly are LPG cars in the Netherlands under the high circulation rate, while natural gas vehicles with post installation of the system for motor or in a lower tax rate fall group. The absence of a national network of gas filling stations will miss the low gas tax for its purpose. Comparable environmental performance can LPG cars and a nationwide network of LPG filling stations faster and cheaper environmental reached.
During the parliamentary debate of January 26, 2011 have raised the question to Mr Atsma, State Infrastructure and Environment, regarding use of LPG in achieving sustainable energy objectives. The reason for this question is the report of the Expert Group of the European Commission and the resulting conclusion that in Europe, LPG 10% of the total fuel mix in 2020 should be. Vehicles with a retrofit LPG LPG plant, meeting a European quality (R115) could therefore improve energy label should be granted. The Minister has promised that in the short term, a chamber debate on LPG LPG will come.
About VVG
Liquid Gas Association (VVG) is the trade association for the LPG industry. The VVG represents the interests of the participating parties and promotes the safe use of LPG. In addition, she works with various institutions, governments and regulators in order to achieve legislation and rules to promote the use of liquid gas in a safe, environmentally friendly, practical and technically correct manner.