Ο χρήστης chrmes έγραψε:
Μια βοηθεια pls
Σε saxo 01 στο ρελαντι χτυπάει ένας θόρυβος κάτω/πισω από το ντουλαπάκι ???????? Κάτι σα ντίζα να χτυπάει κάπου? μήπως κανάς αγωγός του air condition?Κλασική περίπτωση βλάβης: το μοτεράκι που ενεργοποιεί το κλαπέτο της ανακύκλωσης του κλιματισμού.
Δυστυχώς για να αλλαχθεί πρέπει να βγει το ταμπλώμήπως εχει απλως λασκάρει η κλειδαριά που κλείνει το ντουλαπάκι?
Ο χρήστης xristos69 έγραψε:
Μια βοηθεια pls
Σε saxo 01 στο ρελαντι χτυπάει ένας θόρυβος κάτω/πισω από το ντουλαπάκι ???????? Κάτι σα ντίζα να χτυπάει κάπου? μήπως κανάς αγωγός του air condition?Κλασική περίπτωση βλάβης: το μοτεράκι που ενεργοποιεί το κλαπέτο της ανακύκλωσης του κλιματισμού.
Δυστυχώς για να αλλαχθεί πρέπει να βγει το ταμπλώμήπως εχει απλως λασκάρει η κλειδαριά που κλείνει το ντουλαπάκι?
Οχι το έβγαλε και σε μένα και όπως λέει και ο Χρήστος είναι η κλασσικότερη βλάβη των Saxo...
Eγώ το απενεργοποίησα γιατί ούτως ή άλλως δεν χρησιμοποιώ το A/C.
Ενημερωτικά τότε μου είχαν ζητήσει στην Citroen -
Ο χρήστης bug έγραψε:
Για χαρά παιδιά μόλις γύρισα απο τις διακοπές μου στην Κέρκυρα,οπου είχα πάει με την ξανθούλα του πατέρα μου(1.8 16v μοντέλο 99).Αριστες οι εντυπώσεις απο το αυτοκίνητο στο ταξίδι,όμως παρατήρησα κάτι που με ανησύχησε.Συγκεριμένα όταν επιτάχυνα γρήγορα με 2α απο χαμηλές στροφές,τότε το κιβώτιο παρουσίαζε έντονους κραδασμούς,χωρίς συνέπειες στην επιτάχυνση.Τι μπορεί να είναι???O θόρυβος στο ντουλαπάκι των saxo είναι απο το μοτεράκι της ανακύκλωσης.Ανοιξε το ντουλαπάκι και θα δείς ένα μικρό πορτάκι.Ανοιξε το κι αυτό και θα δείς το μοτεράκι της valeo(το γράφε).Προσπάθησε να παρατηρήσεις αν έρχεται απο εκεί ο θόρυβος(που μάλλον απο εκεί έρχεται γιατί έχω το ίδιο αυτοκίνητο και κάνει τον ίδιο θόρυβο).Ασχετο,αλλά ας με βοηθήσει κάποιος ρε παιδιά με την xantia
...μέσα στο ντουλαπάκι είναι και όταν πήγα στην Citroen για να μου το απενεργοποιήσουν ο μάστορας το άνοιξε και από πίσω έβγαλε μία σαν φύσσα και την μόνωσε αν θυμάμαι καλά..
Ο χρήστης bug έγραψε:
Για χαρά παιδιά μόλις γύρισα απο τις διακοπές μου στην Κέρκυρα,οπου είχα πάει με την ξανθούλα του πατέρα μου(1.8 16v μοντέλο 99).Αριστες οι εντυπώσεις απο το αυτοκίνητο στο ταξίδι,όμως παρατήρησα κάτι που με ανησύχησε.Συγκεριμένα όταν επιτάχυνα γρήγορα με 2α απο χαμηλές στροφές,τότε το κιβώτιο παρουσίαζε έντονους κραδασμούς,χωρίς συνέπειες στην επιτάχυνση.Τι μπορεί να είναι???
O θόρυβος στο ντουλαπάκι των saxo είναι απο το μοτεράκι της ανακύκλωσης.Ανοιξε το ντουλαπάκι και θα δείς ένα μικρό πορτάκι.Ανοιξε το κι αυτό και θα δείς το μοτεράκι της valeo(το γράφε).Προσπάθησε να παρατηρήσεις αν έρχεται απο εκεί ο θόρυβος(που μάλλον απο εκεί έρχεται γιατί έχω το ίδιο αυτοκίνητο και κάνει τον ίδιο θόρυβο).Ασχετο,αλλά ας με βοηθήσει κάποιος ρε παιδιά με την xantia
Δεν μπορώ να σκεφτώ κάτι ΒUG για το πρόβλημα τις συμπαθεστάτης κατα τα άλλα Ξανθούλας του μπαμπά σου.
Από αυτά που μου λέτε για το μοτεράκι του Σάξο συμπεράνω ότι όλα το παθαίνουν Και εγώ νόμιζα ότι ήταν τυχαίο που και τα δύο γνωστών μου το παρουσίασαν.
Παιδιά γιά σας.
Επειδή ψάχνομε πολύ τώρα τελευταία.
Υπάρχει κανείς εδώ μέσα που να έχει τουρμίσει το σαξάκι του??????
Έχω μερικές απορίες. -
Ο χρήστης n_olympios έγραψε:
Καλό μήνα, παιδιά!Διαβάστε αυτό που 'έκλεψα' από ένα άλλο forum.
Signs that you are a Citroen Owner.
1.You know your mechanic better than your mother in-law.
2. You can spell and pronounce names like pur-flux, valeo, hydraurincage correctly.
3. You frequently turn off the radio and wind down the windows to listen to unusual noises from your car.
4. You become handy with super glue.
5. You complain of backaches after traveling in other cars.
6. You always check if the oil stain on the garage floor has changed shape or size since yesterday.
7. You always renew your AAM membership on time.
8. The spare parts dealer gives you a frequent shopper discount.
9. You know all the scrap yards that stock french car parts.
10. Your wife threatens separation if you spend your weekend thinkering with your car.
11. You can joke and boast about your last break down.
12. You never worry about car theft.
13. You have bottles of LHM in your boot.
14. No matter how expensive repair charges are, you still claim it's cheaper than Alfa or Fiat.
15. Pray before long journeys for the car not to breakdown.
16. You hang around forums like this and post messages like 'Re: signs that you are a Citroen owner'.
17. Your phone bills look as though you are having an affair with the mechanic.
18. You've got the Haynes Manual even though you're not a DIY person.
19. ....and you study all 300 pages.
20.You greet fellow Citroen owners like long lost buddies.
21.Home is where the Citroen is most of the time and therefore you go home to the workshop and visit the house that you bought or rent for a bath and change of clothes then go back to work.
22.Your total mileage in the Citroen is made up of generally a major part the distance it takes to get to the workshop... the rest is half way to work/home or half way to an urgent meeting/appointment.
23.You have a room specifically set aside in your house/apt for Citroen spare parts and a large cabinet of files/references etc which are Citroen related.
24.When you go to a bookshop, the first thing you do when you see a magazine on the shelf is to look for a Citroen article, if none you'd move onto the next magazine....
25. Wife wakes up alone in bed on a Saturday morning only to find husband in the garage under another babe's 'hood'
26. You use the phrase 'Nothing Moves You Like A Citroen' as the welcome note on your Nokia phone.
27. You give your car a French name.
28. Your car maintenance records are more complete and in order than your income tax returns.
29. You are strongly against street racing, but you considered it a duty to prove yourself at the traffic lights that your car can holds its own.
30. Always keeping an eye out for another Citroen on the road, and feel damned happy to see one.
31. The first thing you do when you get online is visit this forum to check what's new.
32. You get worried when your car doesn't give you problems for more than 2 months in a row.
33. You are called an idiot for buying a Citroen and you smile.
34. Your 'mates' regularly take the piss out of your 'giant mechano set'
35. you have a list of what parts or still original on the car, and try to remove as many as possible.
36. You have an extension on the garage for spares bought 'for when it goes' rather than if it goes.
37. you have a diary of when you expect your next major job to be (burst pipe, sticky brakes etc)
38. you no longer buy 1litre cans of LHM but 50 litre drums
39. you cant fit anything in the boot for all the tools
40. you have TWO copies of the haynes, one for the garage and one for the house.
41. you buy 500mb of internet space just to put manuals into (maybe thats just me)
42. Your typing skills have gone from 1word per minute to 200 words per minute from over use of forums.
43. when ever you drive off you always stop after 2 metres, jump out and check the oil stains
44. you have break down cover with Home Start
45. the brake down people no longer send a van to fix the car, but a flat bed to trailer it home
46. you know most of the brake down service operators
47. you happily pay more for brake down cover than insurance
48. You pay £200 a year to the RAC for breakdown cover for the family's cars (2 Cits and 2 Renaults) and lose your 'no claims bonus' every year because your daughter's Renault has broken down on the motorway and your son's Renault refuses to start in the winter.
49. You flog your old BX RD for £350 'cos you think that after 170k miles it is going to cost you a fortune to maintain and 5 years later he tells you that it has given faultless service and he has just flogged it for £400 to a mate even though it now has cracked 200 k.
50. You flog your old BX TGD with 'all bills for recent work' and the buyer refuses to believe there are no bills for the last two years.
51. After doing nothing to the car for 2 years you take it for an MOT and it fails. Heart in mouth you anticipate a huge bill for repiping, new front struts, welding of rear subframe, new boots needed on drive shafts and probably a new octopus etc, etc to be told that one of the rear number plate light bulbs has gone.
52. Everybody takes the piss out of your old BX until they take a ride and say how much smoother and more comfortable it is than their brand new Honda Civic, Jazz, HRT etc.
53. You go to every car boot sale/vide grenier/antiques fair you can find on your holiday in France looking for Citroen pin badges/ posters/ postcards/ adverts/keyrings.
54. You spend hours listening to your mates telling you of all the 'luxury extras' his new car has like electric windows, tilt-slide sunroofs/remote locking/alarm systems/6 speaker stereo systems etc and then say yes my 12 year old BX has those too.
55. You piss youself laughing as you pass the 4x4 stuck in flood water by lifting the suspension on your BX.
56. You listen to stories of the exceptional economy of new diesel Fords which now do 35 to the gallon and remember that BXs have been doing 45 - 50mpg for 20 years (and a hell of a lot faster)
57. you smile as the MG sports car starts sliding off the road trying to follow your activa round a corner
58. you stop telling your firends how much you payed for your 'luxury' citroen because you dont like making them cry.
59. On the day you finally decide it has to be replaced, your old Citroen runs like a dream.
60. After it has run like a dream, you kiss the steering wheel as you park for the night (or is that just me??? )
61. on scrapping the cit you have an hour long conversation about why you have to do it with the car.
62. once you have fixed 2 hydrolic promlems on your car the main dealer starts to call you an expert and askes your advice!
63. you pull into the local dealer with either an activa or BX 4x4 and they take the keys off you and put it on the 4 post lift so that they can see what the diferences are!
64. you no longer trust citroen to look at your car because its your baby and it always comes back wrong
65. You tell your mates at the pub that you can ride your GS with only three wheels, they laugh at you, then they stop laughing seein' you doin' that trick later at the street...
66. You can swear in fluent French.
67. You play aerobics in traffic jams to baffle the driver behind.
68. You don't slow down for speedbumps .
69. You seek out fords and streams.Στο μαγικό αριθμό σταματάμε, προσθέστε τα δικά σας κατά βούληση.
Και όχι, δεν το βάζω στα ανέκδοτα.
Συμφωνώ απόλυτα με τα 2,5,6 (αναμενόμενο στα παλιά), 9, 10, 12(γιατί ο κόσμος δεν έχει γούστο!No problem!), 14, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24 (χεχε!!), 25 (ναιι!!!ή δεν βγαίνεις σάββατο βράδυ επειδή αλλάζεις πλατίνες), 30, 31, 37!, 46, 53, 54
Τουλάχιστον αυτά συμβαίνουν σε μένα!
Ο χρήστης akalokat έγραψε:
Παιδιά γιά σας.
Επειδή ψάχνομε πολύ τώρα τελευταία.
Υπάρχει κανείς εδώ μέσα που να έχει τουρμίσει το σαξάκι του??????
Έχω μερικές απορίες.Nα υποθέσω οτι μιλάς για το vts???Aν ναί τότε δεν μπορώ να σε βοηθήσω γιατι το δικό μου είναι 1100 και τελείως νορμάλ(με τα φιλτράκια του τα purflux κτλπ κτλπ)εκτός απο την ανάρτηση .Ρίξε μία ματιά εδώhttp://www.gmcmotorsport.co.uk
Ο χρήστης htanso21 έγραψε:
Χιχιχι σήμερα αγόρασα καινούριο Citroen !Συγκεκριμένα Citroen Xsara WRC !!!
Μάλιστα! WRC κύριοι!!Εντάξει τι πειράζει που είναι σε κλίμακα 1:12 (αν δεν κάνω λάθος) και είναι και τηλεκατευθυνόμενη; Citroen είναι πάνω από όλα!
Ασε εγώ έχω zx rally raid,2cv αγωνιστικό,205 rally raid και άλλα τέτοια ωραία
Ο χρήστης sirgus έγραψε:
Καλό μήνα, παιδιά!
Διαβάστε αυτό που 'έκλεψα' από ένα άλλο forum.
Signs that you are a Citroen Owner.
1.You know your mechanic better than your mother in-law.
2. You can spell and pronounce names like pur-flux, valeo, hydraurincage correctly.
3. You frequently turn off the radio and wind down the windows to listen to unusual noises from your car.
4. You become handy with super glue.
5. You complain of backaches after traveling in other cars.
6. You always check if the oil stain on the garage floor has changed shape or size since yesterday.
7. You always renew your AAM membership on time.
8. The spare parts dealer gives you a frequent shopper discount.
9. You know all the scrap yards that stock french car parts.
10. Your wife threatens separation if you spend your weekend thinkering with your car.
11. You can joke and boast about your last break down.
12. You never worry about car theft.
13. You have bottles of LHM in your boot.
14. No matter how expensive repair charges are, you still claim it's cheaper than Alfa or Fiat.
15. Pray before long journeys for the car not to breakdown.
16. You hang around forums like this and post messages like 'Re: signs that you are a Citroen owner'.
17. Your phone bills look as though you are having an affair with the mechanic.
18. You've got the Haynes Manual even though you're not a DIY person.
19. ....and you study all 300 pages.
20.You greet fellow Citroen owners like long lost buddies.
21.Home is where the Citroen is most of the time and therefore you go home to the workshop and visit the house that you bought or rent for a bath and change of clothes then go back to work.
22.Your total mileage in the Citroen is made up of generally a major part the distance it takes to get to the workshop... the rest is half way to work/home or half way to an urgent meeting/appointment.
23.You have a room specifically set aside in your house/apt for Citroen spare parts and a large cabinet of files/references etc which are Citroen related.
24.When you go to a bookshop, the first thing you do when you see a magazine on the shelf is to look for a Citroen article, if none you'd move onto the next magazine....
25. Wife wakes up alone in bed on a Saturday morning only to find husband in the garage under another babe's 'hood'
26. You use the phrase 'Nothing Moves You Like A Citroen' as the welcome note on your Nokia phone.
27. You give your car a French name.
28. Your car maintenance records are more complete and in order than your income tax returns.
29. You are strongly against street racing, but you considered it a duty to prove yourself at the traffic lights that your car can holds its own.
30. Always keeping an eye out for another Citroen on the road, and feel damned happy to see one.
31. The first thing you do when you get online is visit this forum to check what's new.
32. You get worried when your car doesn't give you problems for more than 2 months in a row.
33. You are called an idiot for buying a Citroen and you smile.
34. Your 'mates' regularly take the piss out of your 'giant mechano set'
35. you have a list of what parts or still original on the car, and try to remove as many as possible.
36. You have an extension on the garage for spares bought 'for when it goes' rather than if it goes.
37. you have a diary of when you expect your next major job to be (burst pipe, sticky brakes etc)
38. you no longer buy 1litre cans of LHM but 50 litre drums
39. you cant fit anything in the boot for all the tools
40. you have TWO copies of the haynes, one for the garage and one for the house.
41. you buy 500mb of internet space just to put manuals into (maybe thats just me)
42. Your typing skills have gone from 1word per minute to 200 words per minute from over use of forums.
43. when ever you drive off you always stop after 2 metres, jump out and check the oil stains
44. you have break down cover with Home Start
45. the brake down people no longer send a van to fix the car, but a flat bed to trailer it home
46. you know most of the brake down service operators
47. you happily pay more for brake down cover than insurance
48. You pay £200 a year to the RAC for breakdown cover for the family's cars (2 Cits and 2 Renaults) and lose your 'no claims bonus' every year because your daughter's Renault has broken down on the motorway and your son's Renault refuses to start in the winter.
49. You flog your old BX RD for £350 'cos you think that after 170k miles it is going to cost you a fortune to maintain and 5 years later he tells you that it has given faultless service and he has just flogged it for £400 to a mate even though it now has cracked 200 k.
50. You flog your old BX TGD with 'all bills for recent work' and the buyer refuses to believe there are no bills for the last two years.
51. After doing nothing to the car for 2 years you take it for an MOT and it fails. Heart in mouth you anticipate a huge bill for repiping, new front struts, welding of rear subframe, new boots needed on drive shafts and probably a new octopus etc, etc to be told that one of the rear number plate light bulbs has gone.
52. Everybody takes the piss out of your old BX until they take a ride and say how much smoother and more comfortable it is than their brand new Honda Civic, Jazz, HRT etc.
53. You go to every car boot sale/vide grenier/antiques fair you can find on your holiday in France looking for Citroen pin badges/ posters/ postcards/ adverts/keyrings.
54. You spend hours listening to your mates telling you of all the 'luxury extras' his new car has like electric windows, tilt-slide sunroofs/remote locking/alarm systems/6 speaker stereo systems etc and then say yes my 12 year old BX has those too.
55. You piss youself laughing as you pass the 4x4 stuck in flood water by lifting the suspension on your BX.
56. You listen to stories of the exceptional economy of new diesel Fords which now do 35 to the gallon and remember that BXs have been doing 45 - 50mpg for 20 years (and a hell of a lot faster)
57. you smile as the MG sports car starts sliding off the road trying to follow your activa round a corner
58. you stop telling your firends how much you payed for your 'luxury' citroen because you dont like making them cry.
59. On the day you finally decide it has to be replaced, your old Citroen runs like a dream.
60. After it has run like a dream, you kiss the steering wheel as you park for the night (or is that just me??? )
61. on scrapping the cit you have an hour long conversation about why you have to do it with the car.
62. once you have fixed 2 hydrolic promlems on your car the main dealer starts to call you an expert and askes your advice!
63. you pull into the local dealer with either an activa or BX 4x4 and they take the keys off you and put it on the 4 post lift so that they can see what the diferences are!
64. you no longer trust citroen to look at your car because its your baby and it always comes back wrong
65. You tell your mates at the pub that you can ride your GS with only three wheels, they laugh at you, then they stop laughing seein' you doin' that trick later at the street...
66. You can swear in fluent French.
67. You play aerobics in traffic jams to baffle the driver behind.
68. You don't slow down for speedbumps .
69. You seek out fords and streams.Στο μαγικό αριθμό σταματάμε, προσθέστε τα δικά σας κατά βούληση.
Και όχι, δεν το βάζω στα ανέκδοτα.
Συμφωνώ απόλυτα με τα 2,5,6 (αναμενόμενο στα παλιά), 9, 10, 12(γιατί ο κόσμος δεν έχει γούστο!No problem!), 14, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24 (χεχε!!), 25 (ναιι!!!ή δεν βγαίνεις σάββατο βράδυ επειδή αλλάζεις πλατίνες), 30, 31, 37!, 46, 53, 54
Τουλάχιστον αυτά συμβαίνουν σε μένα!
Εγώ ξεχωρίζω το 55 και το 57
Mε τη μεθοδο Νο67 εχω γνωρισει γυναικα...!!!
Φαναρι Κηφισιας πηχτρα, ειναι διπλα μου Υαris! Και αρχιζω να ανεβαζω τη ξανθουλα στην πιο ψηλη σκαλα και στα καπακια τη ριχνω στην πιο χαμηλη (σαυρα)... Η κοπέλα (Μαρια) κατεβασε το παραθυρο και με ρωτησε γιατι το αμαξι μου εμοιαζε πριν με τζιπ και τωρα με σαυρα... ετσι και εγω ανελαβα να της απαντησω μια αλλη στιγμη με περισσοτερη ησυχια και ηρεμια..!!
Ο χρήστης bug έγραψε:
Εγώ ξεχωρίζω το 55 και το 57Τα έχω κάνει, και τα δύο.
Kαι εγώ,γι'αυτό τα ξεχωρίζω
μήπως γνωριζει κανεις πώς μπορώ να μηδενίσω το κοντέρ που γράφει για το service σε ένα xsara νομίζω οτι υπάρχει καποιος συνδιασμός που κάνουν στα συνεργεία
Αν γυρίσεις τη μίζα στη δεύτερη θέση, έχοντας πατημένο το κουμπί που μηδενίζει το χιλιομετρητή, θα σου βγάλει μια αντίστροφη μέτρηση από το 10 έως το 0. Συνεχίζεις να κρατάς το κουμπί μέχρι τέλους και είσαι έτοιμος.
Αυτό ήταν εύκολο.
ευχαριστω πολύ θα το εφαρμόσω
Ωραίο avatar bug!!
Τι Citroen έχεις?
Ο χρήστης sirgus έγραψε:
Ωραίο avatar bug!!Τι Citroen έχεις?
Πρόεδρε δεν παρακολουθεις πια μου φαίνεται
Nα υποθέσω οτι μιλάς για το vts???Aν ναί τότε δεν μπορώ να σε βοηθήσω γιατι το δικό μου είναι 1100 και τελείως νορμάλ(με τα φιλτράκια του τα purflux κτλπ κτλπ)εκτός απο την ανάρτηση .Ρίξε μία ματιά εδώwww.gmcmotorsport.co.uk
Ο χρήστης chrmes έγραψε:
Ωραίο avatar bug!!
Τι Citroen έχεις?
Πρόεδρε δεν παρακολουθεις πια μου φαίνεται
Nα υποθέσω οτι μιλάς για το vts???Aν ναί τότε δεν μπορώ να σε βοηθήσω γιατι το δικό μου είναι 1100 και τελείως νορμάλ(με τα φιλτράκια του τα purflux κτλπ κτλπ)εκτός απο την ανάρτηση .Ρίξε μία ματιά εδώwww.gmcmotorsport.co.uk
Απλά η παρέα μας μεγαλώνει αλλά σαν πρόεδρος πρέπει να γνωρίζω καλύτερα τα μέλη
Ο χρήστης sirgus έγραψε:
Ωραίο avatar bug!!Τι Citroen έχεις?
Eυχαριστώ sirgus
Exω ένα saxo 1100 μοντέλο 97,ενώ αρκετά συχνά οδηγάω την xantia τού πατέρα μου που είναι η 1800 16ν του 99.Γενικά μεγάλωσα μέσα σε citroen(2cv,bx)και είμαι αρκετά δεμένος με αυτά