Αυτό ήθελα να ρωτήσω. Αυτοί οι ίδιοι είναι σε οποιοδήποτε πρωτάλημα της FIA ή είναι άλλος στην F1 άλλος WRC, FIA GT και ότι άλλο έχει;
Those teams accepting the cost cap would be allowed to use movable front and rear wings and have engines free of any rev limits, while the rest would remain subject to restrictions.
The governing body also set a May 29 deadline for teams wishing to enter next year's championship and said they must state whether they wished to compete with the cost cap. A list of those accepted will be published on June 12.
New teams entering as constructors and with a cap will get money from the commercial rights holder, the FIA added.
'This includes an annual payment of $10 million to each team plus free transportation of two chassis and freight up to 10,000 kg in weight (not including the two chassis) as well as 20 air tickets (economy class) for each round trip for events held outside Europe.'
As previously announced, refuelling during races will be banned next year to save the cost of flying equipment around the world and give a greater incentive to improving fuel economy.ELEOSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Τι είναι αυτά που σκέφτηκε ο τρελομοσλεη πάλι
Πρωτάθλημα 2 ταχυτήτων?
άλλοι κανονισμοί για τις ιδιωτικές ομάδες, άλλοι για του κατασκευαστές?Πεστα γερο-Φρανκ
While Williams is keen to see the costs of competition reduced, he like Whitmarsh, does not believe that the optional £40m cap is the answer to the problem.
'We would like to see all the teams operating to one set of regulations and under a budget cap in 2010 and that is the position we will be advocating within FOTA when we meet next week,' he said. 'We understand that this will represent a serious challenge for some of the teams but we expect that FOTA will work together to find a unified and constructive way to take the FIA’s initiative forward.”
Ecclestone: F1 needs a black female Jewish driver
μαυρούκο βρήκανε τον Λουδοβίκο
γυναίκα τριγυρίζει η Δανίκα
για εβραίο δεν έχω κανένα υπόψη μου εκτός από τον Δαβιδ Κούλθχαρντ (αν και πιο πολύ για σκωτσέζος πιάνεται)μήπως να φέρουνε και κάνα Σαουδάραβα από τα Speedcars???
ο Καρθικέγιαν δεν τους έκανε?This week on a visit to Spain, the 78-year-old hit out at some of F1's stars, including Fernando Alonso, calling them ‘stupid’ for not being more interested in promoting their sport.
He also thinks there are not enough characters: like the elite advertising brand and fashion icon David Beckham.
'In Formula One we do not have a Messi,' billionaire Ecclestone said, referring to the 21-year-old Argentinean player.
Click here to find out more!'Or Beckham. He would be ideal,' he is quoted as saying by the El Mundo newspaper.
Ecclestone, contemplating how to encapsulate all the under-represented groups in Formula One, then jokingly laid out his dream occupant of a Grand Prix cockpit. 'Ideally she would be Jewish and black,' he said.
Ρε παιδια ο Mosley δεν παει καθολου καλα, 70 χρονων ειναι και το μυαλο του εχει σκουριασει. Πρεπει να αλλαξει οπωσδηποτε προεδρια η FIA τον Οκτωβριο. Αν συνεχισει για μια ακομα πενταετια προβλεπω να καταστρεφονται και F1 και WRC.
Ο χρήστης ckastam έγραψε:
Ecclestone: F1 needs a black female Jewish driver
Εγώ λέω να είναι μαύρη albino μουσουλμάνα, εβραϊκής καταγωγής, λεσβία και μέλος του ΚΚΕ.
Καλό μήνα, πάμε στο επόμενο θρεντ!
Αυτό ήθελα να ρωτήσω. Αυτοί οι ίδιοι είναι σε οποιοδήποτε πρωτάλημα της FIA ή είναι άλλος στην F1 άλλος WRC, FIA GT και ότι άλλο έχει;
Ο χρήστης Lord_Rutherford έγραψε:
Αυτό ήθελα να ρωτήσω. Αυτοί οι ίδιοι είναι σε οποιοδήποτε πρωτάλημα της FIA ή είναι άλλος στην F1 άλλος WRC, FIA GT και ότι άλλο έχει;http://www.fia.com/en-GB/sport/champion ... ships.aspx