Αναβιώνω το thread των sevens γιατί διάβασα κάτι ενδιαφέρον στο... τεύχος Νοεμβρίου του Caterham Life.
It’s an exciting time when Caterham’s Export Team recruit new partners to represent the brand
overseas. It therefore gives us great pleasure to announce two new additions to the Interna-
tional dealer network. Previously certain markets were restricted by bureaucratic red tape sur-
rounding road registration. However, having achieved European Community Small Series Type
Approval (ECSSTA) for the full EURO IV compliant range of Sevens, we can now offer our prod-
ucts to these new and exciting markets across the globe.[...]
Caterham would also like to welcome Jaguar Greece Ltd who have also joined the Caterham
dealer network. Greece was another market blocked by homologation restrictions, but thanks
again to the ECSSTAl achievement this year, Caterham can now supply Sevens in Greece. Jacky
Sasson is the Chief Executive of Jaguar Greece Ltd, who are the sole importer of Jaguar and
Morgan Cars in Greece. With three sites located across the country; two in Athens and the third
in Thessaloniki, they are an ideal partner to champion the Caterham brand.Commenting on the appointment, International Business Development Executive, Elizabeth Reid
stated, “What makes this such an exciting development for Caterham is** the commitment from
Mr Sasson to running the Caterham Drive Experience events alongside the road car business**.
This will give Caterham some great exposure and will also support a growing market of perform-
ance driving enthusiasts and track day participants in Greece.”JAGUAR GREECE LTD 47 Kifissou Avenue 182 33 AG.I.RENTIS Athens Tel: +30 (0) 210 6204317-9 +30 (0) 210 4829517 Web: http://www.jaguar.gr Mail: info@jaguar.gr
Edit: Περισσοτερες πληροφοριες εχουν δημοσιευθει εδω: http://www.trackday-special.gr/forum/in ... pic=1211.0
το 175 μου (παρα)κάνει
ενδεικτικά, τιμές μεταχειρισμένων στο UK:
http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/list.asp?s=39 -
Ο χρήστης mikegr έγραψε:
γνωμες??περα απο το οτι ειναι δεξιοτιμονο... καλο δειχνει
λογικα η τιμη πεφτει και αλλο. -
Ο χρήστης spiros έγραψε:
περα απο το οτι ειναι δεξιοτιμονο... καλο δειχνει
λογικα η τιμη πεφτει και αλλο.αν καταλαβα καλα, ειναι καποιος στη Γλυφαδα ο οποιος τα φτιαχνει και τα πουλα κατα παραγγελια, οι φωτο ειναι ενδεικτικες, αρα το δεξιοτιμονο δεν υφισταται.Η τιμη ειναι για καινουριο υποθετω
...downsizing για το Caterham...
To συγχρονο, απλο-προσιτο, παιχνιδι-εργαλειο του ανησυχου?http://www.evo.co.uk/news/evonews/28971 ... turbo.html
Θα εχει ενδιαφερον να μαθουμε και την τιμη του...
Caterham (+ Super-Seven Clones + Locost) Forum