Ο χρήστης spy237 έγραψε:
Να ρωτήσω κάτι τους πιο ειδικούς από μενα....
τι σημαίνει το DOT στα υγρά φρένων;
στο δικό μου γράφει υγρά DOT 4. Νομίζω έχουν βγει και 5 εδώ και καιρό...Πειράζει να τα βάλω;
Dot-3 and dot-4 fluid are glycol based while Dot-5 is silicone based.
DOT fluid must meet 2 specifications. A dry boiling point and a wet boiling point. The dry boiling point is for fresh fluid from a new container while wet boiling point is the same fluid that have absorb moisture.
Dry boiling point (deg F) 401 446 500
Wet boiling point (deg F) 284 311 356
Note that fluid boiling point drops after it is exposed to water. DOT 4 fluid meet DOT 3 requirement. You may buy in store 500F DOT 3 fluid and 450F DOT 4. The temperature shown on the containers are always dry boiling point. The 500F DOT 3 meet the dry boiling point requirement of DOT 4 but is not DOT 4 because it does not meet the DOT-4 wet boiling point.
For a racer which bleed is brakes before his race, a 500F DOT 3 is better than a 450F DOT 4. But for a long term use, the DOT 4 while be better after a few month.
If you change to silicone brake fluid, you must first clean all of the old fluid from the brake system to get the maximum benefit of the silicone-based fluid.
If you merely bleed out and install new fluid, you will have a mixture of the two fluids. This will work, but it won't be as good as it could be.*